John Sira

Plate Xl shows a rare and very early model of a thirty one pound salmon that was carved in 1885 by John "Grytos" Sira, a salmon guide on the Eira River in western Norway. It is almost a cutout but the edges have been smoothed over and it has been painted carefully in an effort to impart some degree of realism. A pelvic fin has been inletted, and a glass eye has been added.

John Sira fish carving
Plate XI- 31 lb. Atlantic Salmon
carved by John Sira
Eira River, Norway-1885


W. B. Griggs ( Taxidermy firm)
London, England

Later in the 1920s and '30s, the taxidermy firms of E. Gerrard and Sons, J. Cooper and W. B. Griggs also had their own makers. All three of these firms produced excellent models but they got into the game a bit late, and as a result, examples of their models are rare and difficult to find.

W. B. Griggs fish carving
Brown Trout - 3lbs 14 oz. caught at Chagford Weir Pool, River Teign -1932
Carved and painted by the firm of W.B. Griggs
Farlows fish carving
Rainbow Trout 11 lb. 12 oz.
Caught by H. R. Graham, Jan. 2 1937
Southern Chile - River Flu
Made for Farlow's by W. B. Griggs
( PL. 271 Fish Models, Plaques and Effigies- Ronald S. Swanson )
This model indicates that Farlows employed at least four different artists over the years. Has metal Farlow's label.

Edward Thatcher
Leamington, Spa, England

Edward Thatcher fish carving
Earliest known salmon carving-1836 Caught in Norway - 43.25 lbs.
Edward Thatcher was commissioned by Peter Spicer and Sons to make this model.

( PL. 22 - Fish Models, Plaques and Effigies - Ronald S. Swanson )

Arthur H. Raikes
Lake District, Northwest England

Arthur Raikes
Sea Trout carving, 5 lb. 8 oz. , Hyen, Norway, 1909
Carved by Arthur Raikes, England

( PL. 280 Fish Models, Plaques and Effigies - Ronald S. Swanson )

Lawrence Hunt
United Kingdom

Lawrence Hunt fish carving
Salmon carving by Lawrence Hunt
United Kingdom

Stephen R. Smith
U. S. A.

Carver unknown
Brook Trout carving of fish caught at Minipi, Woody's Inlet, Labrador, Canada
According to Ellen McCaleb, the carver of this brook trout is Stephen R. Smith

Jan-Ove Appelgren
Skoghall, Sweden

My fish carving began, when a friend caught a fantastic brown trout of 19 lbs., from the Klaralven River at Forshaga. The idea originally was just doing a profile of the fish, but during the work, so grew the ambition and it eventually appelgren
became a trophy mounted on a shield. Some friends started to show an interest to this trafisk ? and they too wanted to have a trophy to hang on the wall.

It all grew from a hobby to a part-time work with truck and registered business name, and now I have quite a long wait on my work. I have my workshop at home so I can go and work at any time and have the ability to just fly ? away. In my regular job I work shifts at a plant outside Skoghall Karlstad and it makes me have some uninterrupted time off, which is spent in the shop or with rod appelgren
in hand. Unfortunately, it has become less fishing - but more fish.

In order to produce a trafisk?, need a photo showing side of fish and data on length and girth and weight of fish. Trappers?, date and place of capture is also information needed to make a wall-hung assembly or a stand-alone sculpture.

The fish are available in different designs: half-fish in profile, 3/4-dels? in profile or whole fish. The cost depends entirely on performance. For half-fish, the price of 800 kroner per kilogram, excluding VAT (value added tax), but not less than SEK (Swedish Krona) 3,000, excluding VAT .

The fish produced is laminated and guaranteed againt cracking and workmanship provided.I have worked with wood carvings, and as long as I can remember and I started to produce full-scale trafiskar? 1995.

PLEASE NOTE: I used a Swedish to English translation program for the above write-up, and this is why some of the wording lacks clarity or may be inaccurate. For an accurate quote on a fish carving, please contact Jan-Ove Appelgren directly. On Jan.14/10, 1 Swedish Krona= 0.146 Can Dollar. (Ron Bailey)



Carvers Unknown

Fish carving 1905
English made - c. 1905
Killed Aug. 22, 1905
Karkaren Pool, Clare River
length 44" girth 25" wt. 35lbs.
Fish carving made in Iceland
1928 carving made in Iceland

unknown carving
Carved for Stephen Marsh-Smith
Caught in 1986 - 38 1/2 lbs. - United Kingdom ?

Norwegian carving
Norwegian carved salmon, with canvas fins. Caught by Leonard Pelly on the Tengs River, Egersund, Norway
Aug. 28, 1903 weight: 35 lbs Length: 45 in. Girth: 25 in. depth: 101/2in.

unknown carving
Red Lion Hotel dining room
Bredwardine, Herefordshire, UK.

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